Opening Up Desires

Desires: all those things that make life full, exciting, and full of flavor! A lot of people have shut down their desires because there are things they’ve been hoping for that haven’t come true.

The wanting energy creates struggle, not believing you can have it, and that creates a lot of wobble.

Are you putting constriction and conditions on money? Are you holding back on desires because you feel they have to happen a certain way? Are you making decisions based on what you truly desire or what you’re conditioned to want? 

Fear will come and try to lock out of the things you’re designed to have.

Your assignment for this episode is to add “and” to the things you desire.  You can have freedom and time. You can have a delicious meal and good health, for example.

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Music Credit: Shut It Down by JAM Studio

A Podcast Launch Bestie production


Working With a Money Healer


Managing Our Emotions Around Money