Breaking Through Money Mindset Issues

What’s holding you back? What’s keeping you from having that big breakthrough in your life? We all desire to have more money so we can have more experiences and take care of the people we love, and be able to give service in the world.

Problem is, most of us have been programmed from a young age to believe that we’re not worthy. That it’s not safe to have money, or there isn’t enough to go around.

Get to a place where you feel worthy.  Your life right now is a reflection of what you’ve been thinking for the last month, year, or lifetime.  What are you programmed to believe? What is your set point?

As your money healer, I want you to do your daily money mindset work.

Connect with me on Facebook and say hi!

Are you ready for your one-on-one VIP session with me? Schedule at and don’t forget to pick up your free gift, “10 Rituals of Rich and Worthy Women” while you’re there!

Music Credit: Shut It Down by JAM Studio

A Podcast Launch Bestie production


Embodying what you desire


The Mission Is Clear